Vitamins and supplements for your dog. Healthy and nutritious food for dogs

A healthy dog is a happy dog, as humans need good food with vitamin supplements to be healthy and strong; our dogs also need good nutrition, including vitamins and minerals. Various dog food companies have been supplementing their dog’s inclusion supplements for good health. With the recent fears of bad dog food from foreign sources, dog owners have been cautious and naturally want to be sure that the foods that provide promote good health.

Vitamins are good for dogs of all ages. The combination of supplements may vary, but the need is still there, no matter the age or condition of the dog. If the food being used does not have proper nutrition, the supplements can be administered per pill or added to the food in liquid form. Many supplements should be administered daily, but it is wise to read the addresses of the companies before using.

Like humans, some vitamin supplements create conditions to improve the areas of the body. There are formulations that provide support for the hip joints through anti-inflammatory treatment. It is believed that the combination of Glucoasamina, chondroitin, Clucosmina Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) and vitamin C helps dogs to develop osteoarthritis as well as other problems and hip joints.

In the same way that humans take vitamins to stay fit, healthy and energetic all through the day, dogs need dog vitamins too. Although most commercial foods already have mixtures of vitamins as part of their formula dog food, many veterinarians and researchers believe that additional vitamins and supplements will be needed in the dog’s diet to keep them healthy health.

As you can see, there are a lot of free radicals in the air that are responsible for disease and aging of dogs. And the only way to fight them is with a healthy dose of vitamins. The 3 main dog vitamins that can lengthen your dog’s life and increase their immunity so that they can stay most of the time without sickness are.

Vitamin B For Dogs

Did you know that dog vitamins B control the skin, fur, eyes and liver health of your dog? So if your dog suffers from a bad looking coat and skin, it is most likely due to the lack of B vitamins. It also controls the nervous system in dogs. And that’s why vitamin B is one of the must have dog vitamins.

Vitamin C

Research has shown that vitamin C is responsible for promoting growth in dogs and repairing tissues. And like humans, tissues die old and new tissue forms. So to prevent our dog from rapid aging, vitamin C is a must.

Vitamin B2.

Taking a good dose of vitamin B2 improves your dog’s immune system and helps your body cope better with disease and illnesses.

Another supplements needed to keep the dog going are:

The variety of supplements available is amazing. Many proprietary blends of vitamins, minerals, herbs and other ingredients are marketed for health maintenance, “boosting the immune system,” delaying aging or treating specific diseases.

Nutritional Supplements for Your Dog’s Bones, Joints & Cartilage

Glucosamine is an amino acid produced naturally in the dog’s body from glucose, which is your dog’s blood sugar, and Amino acids, Glutamine. It helps the cartilage between the joints to retain water so that the cartilage can act as a cushion to absorb shock and resist compression. Glucosamine is essential to protect the health and integrity of your dog’s bones, joints, and cartilage.

Essential Fatty Acid Supplements for Your Dog

Essential fatty acids are essential to life and support all bodily functions in your dog. They help keep cell membranes supple and flexible, so your dog’s cells can absorb nutrients. Improve your dog’s skin and coat. Fatty acids are essential for brain health and help preserve mental clarity. Reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia in dogs, cats and people. Fatty acids can reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure, as well as therapeutic effects in dogs.

Amino Acid Supplements for Your Dog

Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the body. It is the main source of energy for cells that line the digestive system and strengthens the natural defense system of the dog known as the immune system. Glutamine promotes healing of the digestive system thus reducing intestinal disorders. Save protein and reduce muscle loss during periods of injury, stress and high endurance activities. Therefore, it is particularly beneficial for animals recovering from trauma and for both work and shows dogs.

Digestive Enzyme Supplements for Your Dog.

Digestive enzymes are produced by the salivary glands, stomach, pancreas and liver and released into the digestive tract. Enzymes help your dog’s body break down protein, fats, and carbohydrates into their food so they can be absorbed and used.

The production of your dog’s enzymes naturally decreases with age. Diseases, stress, food intolerances, allergies and medications such as antibiotics also have a negative effect on the production and function of the enzyme. This can result in a variety of digestive disorders ranging from flatulence and gas to diarrhea, dehydration, and malnutrition.

Finally, Relaxation is very necessary as stress and anxiety negatively affect animals and people. Set aside one hour a day to relax and enjoy your dog. Consider massage, yoga, and music. Positive mental attitude: The mind-body connection is a powerful wellness promoter for you and your dog.

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